pepagi kuar kol8lebih utk menghirup udare segar..sejukk weehh.. nasib bek de water heater.. kalo x, mau nye ak xmo mndi.. hehehe.. cm ais.. mlm pn kne pkai blapis2..hehe.. then weolss g breakfast..

***************************************************************************** ciap2 sume.. baru gerak ke cameron valley tea house at
hikkss jadik modeel jap.. kui3

ye beratur ye kengkawan..
berpoyoan tidak menyalahi undang2 rite?

uppsss nk gedikss jap.. eheheh..

ni tlebih gedikss plekk..hehe. maaf kecacatan dlm pic ni coz cahaye blebihan masuk ke mate.. i xleh trime, silau~
then weolls g TAMAN SEDIA its actually is a homestay.. very nice place la.. weolls g situ coz nk g 1 strawberry farm dlm tuh.. malay punye farm.. sje tgk2.. de jgk yg bli.. but akak kt situ pesan, kalo nk beli strawberry, beli la kt farm malay punye.. sbb kalo chinese pnye kdg2 ade anjing la ape la knn.. layan jelaa.. kt situ pn fresh2, die petik time 2 jgk kalo kte nk bli..
ni hasilan bshopping kt situ.. huhu..
kami ber5.. slalu bersame.. hee
lepaking di situ.. hikkss

ni kt balakang farm 2.. byk cactus die wt jd lanskap.. cunn ahh..
after tersedap menikmati strawberry shake, we moved to YE OLDE SMOKEHOUSE.. its actually mock-tudor hotel & restaurant with amazing lounge area filled with wonderful objects from the British past.. tmpt ni cntek woo.. umah idaman since kecik lg nk design cmni.. bole ke? hikkkss.. angan2.. dlu nk jd arkitek, tp xkesampaian.. heheh..

tibe cni me cm ala2 xlarat da nk amik gmbo.. penat sehh.. lg2 lompat2.. hehehe..
next destination..
perjalanan diteruskan ke BLUE VALLEY which is a vegetable farm.. mcm2 sayur ade.. bunge2, cntekk weeii.. geram sehh.. n mcm2 buah2an.. cm biase ahh.. bsar farm die..
but actually kt cni xde ape sgt pn.. juz farm.. nk tgk2 fresh flowers ok laa..

tp kn.. tp knnn.. time nk msuk kt blue valley 2.. sesuatu yg menyakitkan mata.. sllunye kt cameron bnde ni la yg byk tjadi.. mane x nyee cameron da naik suhu.. haishh.. manusia2..

yeaahh ni die.. think about it! selame ni kite ngadu panas la ape laa.. so salah sape? kelalaian manusia sndiri rite! chehh.. cm karam singh walia plak.. tp xde pntun.. hikkss.. ape gune blaja kalo x apply knn.. hinnss
next! kite pegi ROSE VALLEY plak.. yesss! i likee! hikhik..
varieties of rose plants fragrance and de colourful blooms.. excited woo tgk roses ni.. rase nk cabut je bwk balik.. tiap point nk stop utk hidu bau roses 2. alahai.. jakun sgguh.. huhu.. mmg jakun pn.. kikiki..
open daily from 8am to 6pm.. tiket masuk rm6 if im not mistaken.. lupe daa coz bkn i yg byr.. huhu

************************************************************************************ next is
BUTTERFLY GARDEN.. de 2 tempat la kalo nk tgk butterfly,, butterfly garden n butterfly farm.. dua2 pn sebelah2 je.. pilih je yg mane.. but weolss masuk je yg butterfly garden.. tiket masuk rm5.. tp dpt krg ckit kot.. after nego.. hehe.. dlm 2 bkn takat ade butterflies jek, other insects such as kumbang, scorpian, ulaq n mcm2 lg laa.. xsggup me nk tgk ulaq.. so me xmo ltak cni..

yeahh sile la lihat apekah yg sdg dilakukan oleh menatang nih..hikhik.. dose tggung sndiri.. hehe.. tnpe bselindung n tnpe mmpedulikan org skeliling.. kamu2 jgn ikut k.. hikkss
then me tgk de kakak 2 pgang butterfly yg terbang2 2.. me cm teringin.. me tnye akak 2 ok x.. die ckp cm ok je.. tp ble i tgk kaki die, ishh menggerunkan.. tp sgt teringin nk pegang.. hikss.. xpela.. lastly i mntk tlg en. IK tlg amik n ltakkan atas pale ke tgn ke.. hehe.. kire kes dera butterfly la nh..
lihatlah aksi ketakutan daku.. huhuuuu~

tgn en.IK sdg berusaha memakse rama2 hinggap di kepalaku.. hikhik.. sabar ye wahai butterfly, jgn terbang, nk wt kenangan je ni.. dok diam2 ye.. smbil mengcover rase ketakutan.. hehehe

ooo yeahh.. bjaye.. tp korg xtau disebalik tabir photoshoot ngn si rama2.. tjerit2 n berlari2 anak sume ade.. kikiki..sabau jelaa..
yayyy! si rama2 lain dtg dgn sndirinye disebabkan daku wangi spt roses.. hikhik

nak balik, singgah kea farm jap.. diorg bli strawberry. me bli bunge.. hikkss.. minah bunge sgguh.. huhu.. nk tggu owg bg bjanggut.. me beli jek sndiri.. hehe
after mngadap sri paduka baginda.. after magrib, weolss ke psr malam lagik.. hape lg kn.. of coz le nk membaham chocolate strawberry.. kikiki.. n smbil mncari2 strawberry n bnde2 lain nk bwk balik.. yeppiiiee..
after that.. pk lg nk dinner ktne.. n ble memikirkan tragedi smlm yg menyayat hati lunch smlmnye, we decided nk hentam KFC jelah.. insyaallah slamat! sbbnye time lunch tghri 2 pn termakan kt kdai yg kureng higen.. aduyaiii.. cne authorities wt kje ekk.. padahal 2 tmpat tumpuan pelancong.. tlg la kje lebih ckit.. wt malu malaysia je.. mengundang penyakit lg.. adeeii..

strawberry 2 xlarat nk mkn kt c2 pn.. bwk balik jek.. hehe..berangan je nk mkn lebih.. cejukk weii dok dlm ni.. cpt2 nk kuar.. xyh la letak aircond.. huhu.. xleh ke.. kui2.. byk plak komplen.. hikkss..
smpai je umah, sume dok pakat tgk bola.. adusss.. me bukan minat pn.. tp layannsss jela.. xpaham pn rules men bola.. bape kali abah explain, me ttap xmasuk otak.. hehe.. dok tukar2 channel je.. jap tgk kelantan-selangor.. japg tukar lg.. huhu..
tp me tau laa kelantan kalah.. hikss ngn penalti jek.. ade owg 2 rilex2 ekk.. jgn emo2 kelantan kalah.. haha..

sekian tamat utk 2nd day.... to be continue tomorrow.. ngantukss sudaa..
notajari : saje me letak gambo besaq gedabak.. biau puas tgk.. hikss.. adeke owg nk tgk.. hehe
Whatever u give a woman, she will make it greater. Give her sperm, she will give u a baby. Give her a house, she will give u a home. Give her groceries, she will give u a meal. Give her a smile n she will give u her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what she is given. So if u give her crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit...