Thursday, May 21, 2009

happy birthday my dear fana ;p

specially dedicated to my dear fren ALAMFANACINTA.. happy birthday 2 u dear..
ooo yeah.. a year older my dear..
welcome 2 de club.
may ur dreams come true.
luv u.
POL forever.
sorry n thnx 4 everything.
frens 4ever..
i'll miss all the memories.
hukhuk. :(
time 1st yr.. heheh
notajari : yeppie + sedey.. ;) + :(

4 loves:

aLaMFaNa said...

Thanx yer...:)
Really appreciate it...

p/s: Weih...Itu pic time muda mudi...Hhahahaahha....

Miss Ekin said...

hehehe.. welcome mydear..

yezzaa pic time muda mudi.. nk bg kte sedar yg kte da tua.. hua3..

@xiM said...

hepi belated besday to ur fren:)

Miss Ekin said...

thnx 2 mr. azim.. (merangkap jwpn my fren.. hehe);)


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